Abstract Information:


  • The abstract should be limited from minimum 300 to a maximum of 400 words (body of abstract),
  • The abstract is a one-paragraph, single-spaced self-contained summary of the most important elements of the paper.
  • The authors are required to clearly state the context and aim of their study including: introduction, research questions/applied scientific methods, data analysis/findings/main results, and suggestions /conclusions as concise summary of the key points of your research (Do not indent).
  • It must be written and sent as Microsoft Word 2003,
  • The abstract must have header and footer as ICRAE 2014_Abstract_Template
  • The abstract document must  be named as follows: name_surnameICRAE2014abstract  and will sent as attachment  at Application Form of web site,


We express our willingness to adapt the standards of conference to higher requirements.

  • On the day of the Conference, the Proceedings of Abstracts of Conference will be distributed and other conference materials. It will have ISSN: and will be published on line.  
  • Publication of complete materials will be carried out after June 10th 2014 for selected papers of participants that have present abstract at ICRAE2014. (in order to give participants opportunities to meet the scientific criteria)
  • All above publications will be accessible via internet through the web site of the University of Shkodra "Luigj Gurakuqi": http://www.unishk.edu.al.


  • Paper should be written in English, single-spaced on standard-sized paper A4 with 1" margins on all sides. You should use 12 pt. Times New Roman font.
  • Paper should include four major sections: the Title Page, Abstract, Main Body, and References.
  • Line Spacing: Single-space throughout the paper, including the title page, abstract, body of the document, references, appendixes, footnotes, tables, and figures.
  • Title Page: It should contain the title of the paper, the author's name & surname, institutional affiliation, and E mail address, (Do not use titles Dr. or degrees Ph.D. etc) and continue next row with "body" of abstract. We recommend that your title to be no more than 12 words in length and that it should not contain abbreviations or words that serve no purpose. Your title may take up one sentence, one or two lines.
  • Abstract: as was explain above.
  • Main Body: It is important part of paper and will include indent of all issues that are reflected in summarizing abstract from introduction, aim of your study/research together with research topics, detailed  research questions, participants, applied scientific methods, tables, graphs, data analysis, used findings, and conclusions. Suggestion and recommendations are another key point of paper.
  •  References: It will beaccording to the APA Referencing System. ICRAE 2014 uses the APA (American Psychological Association) referencing style. Please  consult  the  Publication  Manual  of  the  American  Psychological  Association,  Fifth  Edition,  ISBN  1-55798-790-4  or  http://www.apastyle.org/elecref.html  for  further  style guidelines.  It  should  be  noted  that  only  works  cited  in  the  paper  can  be  included  in  the references section.
  • Paper length :We recommend 6-10 pages 


It will be done from first author through application form for all format types of Conference participants: Oral/ Virtual, only through web site of ICRAE2014, for all types of participants. Presentation and types of participation as: Participants author/ Participants co-author/Attending participants

Registration fees:

Before October 12th 2015
• For Oral Presentation
40 EUR, for Participants of ICRAE2013/ ICRAE2014 as first author
50 EUR, for new Participants of ICRAE2015 as first author
• For e Poster
30 EUR, for Participants of ICRAE2013/ ICRAE2014 as first author
40 EUR, for new Participants of ICRAE2015 as first author
1- Above fees are for each accepted abstract of the Conference (not for each author). This fee includes: Certificate of presentation in
Conference, Conference materials, coffee break, lunch,
2- If participants want to present a paper with colleagues as co-authors, they have to pay extra 15 EUR and this payment will be done only from first author together with its fee, as one payment. This fee includes: Certificate of co-authorship paper presented in conference, conference materials.
3- For attending participants and accompanying person of the conference, fee is 20 EUR. This fee includes: Session attendance,
certificate of participation in conference, coffee break and conference materials.
4- For participants of above points 2 & 3, if they want to have lunch, they have to pay extra 10 EUR.
5- Later payment as first author: will be 70 EUR. (this payment will be done and during registration)
6- First author is responsible for all (from abstract, application, presentation, copyright, payment for himself and all coautho rs)
7- First authors will notify for abstract acceptance together with form for payment.

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